VAT Across Europe

TAX MAG: VAT news in Europe

Keep up with the latest Intra-Community and European VAT news, decoded by our experts.

Focus: VAT Across Europe
Until 2025, the VAT special scheme for small enterprises (SME) was only meant for companies carrying out transactions in their home country. This measure allowed a company trading below a…
Check the INTRASTAT / EMEBI (DEB) thresholds in the various European Union (EU) countries in 2024.
Check the VAT rates applicable in 2024 to your products and services in Europe - in the 27 countries of the European Union (EU), in Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
The 2023 European Commission's report on VAT fraud reveals a significant reduction in the tax gap in 2021, confirming the effectiveness of the anti-fraud measures put in place. We present…
So you didn't complete your VAT obligations on time in an EU Member State, and you're worried the authorities will apply late penalties? Check the limitation periods that apply in…
Check the risks involved and the late payment interest applied in case you have not fulfilled your VAT obligations in time in a state of the European Union.
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