By Ministerial Order on VAT n°2021-574 on August 3rd 2021 published in the Official Monaco Newspaper, the authorities in Monaco have amended article A-128 J of the Turnover Tax Code for Monaco.
From now on, companies established outside the European Union wishing to apply for a refund must submit their application electronically via their fiscal representative established in Monaco.
Along with the application, the representative shall send a spreadsheet showing all the invoices or import documents to justify the amount of the VAT refund. For each invoice or import document, the following information must be provided:
- The order number, which should apppear on the invoice or import document;
- The name and full address of the supplier or service provider;
- The supplier or service provider’s VAT number;
- The date and number from the invoice or import document
- The taxable amount and the amount of VAT in euros.
When the tax base total amount is equal or superior to 1000 euros, you must include a copy of the invoices or import document. This threshold is reduced to 250 euros for fuel.
The taxable person established outside the EU must also certify that they meet the conditions listed in Article A-128 G of the Turnover Tax Code fo Monaco.