An EORI number is essential for any company importing or exporting from the European Union, to carry out the necessary customs procedures. What is an EORI number? Why is it mandatory, and how to get one? We tell you everything there is to know.
What is an EORI number?
The EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) number is a unique European number enabling companies to be identified and to complete their formalities with customs authorities.
An EORI number is mandatory for companies acting as importers (Importer of records – IOR) or exporters (Exporter of records) in import/export operations from the territory of the European Union.
To find out more about the VAT impact of IOR and EOR, please consult our dedicated blog here.
This number allows companies importing into or exporting from the European Union to :
- Clear their goods through customs (DELTA application)
- Placing goods in transit (NTSI application – New Computerized Transit System)
- Pre-import security formalities (ICS – import control system)
- Notify the exit of goods from the customs territory of the European Union to obtain tax certification
Who needs an EORI number?
All French, European and non-European companies importing or exporting goods from a member state of the European Union must obtain an EORI number.
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Since BREXIT, companies carrying out imports/exports between the European Union and Great Britain must have a European EORI number on and a UK EORI number.
EORI number procedure and format
Companies must apply for an EORI number before carrying out their first import/export customs operations. If this has not yet been done, they can do so when the first operation is carried out.
EORI number for French companies
The application for EORI registration is made via the SOPRANO platform on the website, and is managed by the Pôle d’Action Economique (PAE) of your company’s regional office.
The EORI number assigned has usually the following format: FR + SIRET
EORI number for European companies
Application for an EORI number is made in the country where the company is established, in accordance with local regulations and procedures. The format of the EORI number will depend on the regulations in the company’s country.
EORI number for non-European companies
Application for an EORI number is made in the country where the first import/export operations are carried out, according to local regulations and procedures.
In France, the EORI number assigned has the following format: FR+iso code of the country of establishment+assigned customs number
The EORI number issued to French companies, whether European or non-European, can be used for all import/export operations carried out on European territory.
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To check whether your company already has an EORI number, you can use the online service available here.